Essential Breathing
My six favorite exercises that have improved my own health— 
physical, emotional and mental—and sport performance.
Breathing is a popular topic these days and there is so much information out there that it’s overwhelming.
Breathing is a trending topic and more people are seeking information about healthy breathing habits as well as learning about the negative effect of breathing dysfunction. 

In this video set, I demonstrate practical breathing techniques that have significantly improved my health and well being.

I’ve been studying this subject for quite a while, sorting through different methodologies, and in these videos, I share with you the techniques that have most helped me.
With a little awareness, intention, and practice, you can significantly improve your oxygen saturation,
tolerance to carbon dioxide—which improves system efficiency—effectively reducing physiological stress and panic response.
Many people are unaware of their own poor breathing and that health problems can be caused by diminished oxygen. With a little awareness, intention, and regular practice, you can significantly improve your tolerance to carbon dioxide, your oxygen saturation, which improves system efficiency, and reduces stress and panic.

I want to share what I’ve learned about breathing, as well as my six favorite exercises that have improved my own physical, emotional, and , as well as sport performance. 

All of these drills can be done while out on your daily walk. (You are taking a daily walk, aren’t you?)
You could end up neurotic reading and analyzing all the material out there, when in fact, you can benefit greatly from just a few good ideas and exercises—and this is what I’m offering. It needn’t be complicated: once you understand the basic principles you can apply them to improve the quality of your life.

All of these drills can be done while out on your daily walk. (You are taking a daily walk, aren’t you?)
Breathing is a popular topic and there is so much information out there that it’s overwhelming.
What is included?
Steve Maxwell’s Essential Breathing video set includes two video files (not sold separately) wherein Steve takes a walk outside and explains and demonstrates some of his favorite breathing exercises and drills. 

It’s very friendly and accessible. You’ll feel comfortable and at ease with Steve as he shares his personal advice and surely inspired to follow along and try it out yourself.
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